Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Top 6 Movies To Make 2015 The Ultimate Year For Virgin Losers of the Day

Every day i creep around the intreweb looking for stuff good nuff to post. this time it's nerd shit coz i know among you readers there are virgin nerds who get off believing losers can be great ... all they need is to be bitten by something radioactive. 
It also seems there are more and more movies catering to a portion of the population that used to have their heads bathed in the business end of the toilet. But there are still certain years in which the Movie Gods truly align, to bring you a mind-numbing geek festival of the brain. There is so much “must see” on the books for 2015, that you might want to start saving just for future movie tickets.

6. Ant-Man
We can certainly understand some trepidation about a big budget production which essentially amounts to “Honey I Shrunk The Superhero.” C’mon, it’s Ant-Man, right? There is one saving grace to this project which should make you excited though: the director is Edgar Wright, who gave you both “Shaun of The Dead” and “Scott Pilgrim Versus The World.”

5. Fantastic Four
After seeing the first Fantastic Four movie, as well as its even more awful sequel, the fans’ enthusiastic response to the reboot seemed almost too excited. The reason for such exuberance: “Chronicle” director Josh Trank. As a dry run, “Chronicle” was a movie about teenagers who suddenly got superpowers after a party. Each of the their lives spun wildly out of control as a result. Fans are envisioning the Fantastic Four movie as “Chronicle” with a budget, as well as familiar characters, and they like it.

4. Justice League
All reports look like Warner Brothers is ready to pull the trigger on a Justice League movie. Now, DC and Warner Brothers are not Marvel or Disney. On the plus side, Christopher Nolan sounds ready to direct the film tomorrow. If the Nolans are officially on board, fans will tend to trust whatever decisions are made on the movie.

3. The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part Two
You can blame the practice of dividing the final book into two cinematic parts on Harry Potter. The Twilight Saga picked up the trend, and The Hunger Games will continue it. If those franchises were any indication, then “The Hunger Games: MockingJay Part Two” may well be the most commercially successful film in the series.

2. Avengers 2
There has been a tease of changes to come, by the time we get to “Avengers 2.” The movie should be fine, but it is great to have a level of speculation. In a year of geek movies, this may yet be the box-office winner.

1. Star Wars Episode VII
Not even the prospect of Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fischer portraying old-as-dirt versions of their iconic characters can stop “Star Wars Episode VII” from being one of the most anticipated movies this decade, and perhaps of all time. Will we see Han and Leia’s kids? Will Luke be a Jedi Academy trainer? Who else will be returning? So much is pure speculation but, if the speculation about the prequel trilogy was any indication, 80% of what you read will prove to be dead wrong. However, it’ll be fun guessing. After all, no geek fest is truly complete without Star Wars.

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