Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Yassi Benitez Is Online Babe of the Month!

of the Day!

Yassi Benitez is a fucking hot model which is the only kind of model I approve of. I've seen her in a car show and I tell you sicktards she's like a Beauty Queen doing car shows which is freaking below her standards. She should be bursting out of cakes completely naked and shaved down there cuz thats more like a career than standing beside cars 95% of the onlookers cant afford anyway.

And when she spoke she had this manly deep sounding voice which made me think of freaky sexy prison things. Deal closed. I'm buying the car. Only she was peddling oil. Better for inmates!

She's also Online Babe for January thanks RED LION for the larger sizes. Thats MAN SIZE too.

hit the jump girlfriends

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